Welcome to our blog.

This was our original purpose for creating this blog:

We are both baby boomers fast approaching sixty. This blog will chronicle the time leading up to reaching our significant day. Our mutual goal is to complete sixty specific tasks each by our 60th birthdays, and to both celebrate our experiences and our accomplishments.

We are "the fabled tortoise" in this effort. Our blog will begin with a slow start, so we ask for your patience. We are aiming for a strong finish, so we ask for your encouragement. We invite you to join us on our journey, laugh and cry with us, and celebrate with us. We encourage you to leave us your comments and feedback. Most of all, we hope you become inspired to perhaps create and complete your very own "___ by ___ list."

We borrowed this idea from a blog one of our nieces told us about: http://makingitlovely.com . The author is working on her list of "30 Before Thirty."

As we progressed we continued to reflect on the process and the progress:

We would like to make a point of clarification. Because we did not begin our endeavor until April that left us both with less than a year to complete all 60 tasks on each of our lists. Actually, JR has about four months and CEA has about seven months. For that reason we agreed that we would both use CEA's birthday so that we both have the same amount of time to complete our tasks.

Now we are both 60 and moving forward. We have decided to continue the blog, setting goals and celebrating our accomplishments, sharing our experiences and voicing our thoughts, and enjoying life by making the most of every day with which we are blessed.

Monday, August 23, 2010

JR’s List Item #28 – (August report) Listen to at least three audio books a month until my 60th birthday.

August listening selections:

Lian Hearn's the Otori Trilogy was my choice for this month.  These books have been in my audio library for several years, so I decided to make them this month's book selections.  The Otori trilogy is a saga set in a mythical, medieval Japan centering around the hero and heroine, Takeo and Kaede.  I liked the way the books are written through the perspectives and voices of these two characters.  The audios used two narrators, Kevin Gray and Aiko Nakasone, which enhances the author's storytelling approach.  Imaginative and engrossing.  Great!
  • Across the Nightingale Floor:  Tales of the Otori, Book 1
  • Grass for His Pillow:  Tales of the Otori, Book 2
  • Brilliance of the Moon:  Tales of the Otori, Book 3
I am now listening to the Girl Who Played With Fire by Stieg Larsson, his second book in his three book series.  I am really enjoying this one as much as the first one.  While each book seems to have its own murder mystery, there is also the personal story of Lizbeth Salander that weaves its way through all the mysteries and the books.  I understand why these books have been so popular.

NOTE:  Officially, my 60th birthday has come and gone, but I have decided to continue sharing my audio selections through CEA's birth month.

JR’s List Item #20 – (done) Create a workshop on early childhood games and present it on August 18th.

While working at the regional service center as an education specialist, I met and worked with many, many teachers and administrators.  Some have become dear friends, who I may not see very often but who I am always willing to help if I can.

One of those dear friends called me about a month ago and asked me to do a training for her paraprofessional staff on August 18th.  The training would be part of the inservice programs held prior the the start of school on August 23rd.  This friend asked me to do a training on games to use with early childhood students (prekinder, kinder, and first graders); specifically, games that would develop reading and math skills.  I said yes, hung up the phone, and immediately asked myself, "What was I thinking?"

So what was I thinking?  Well, it would be a chance to create and present a training; something I had not done in at least two years, but loved to do.  I would be helping my friend out.  I would be working with educators.  And, yes, I would be making a little money.  "But hold on a minute," I thought, "this is 4, 5, and 6 year-old babies.  This was physical fitness with reading and math thrown into the mix."

With the exception of math, none of this was anywhere near "my wheelhouse," much less "in my wheelhouse" (to borrow a well-used phrase from "Glee").  Granted, I had taught PE in the early 80s to third, fourth, and fifth graders; but this was not the same thing.  At times like this I did what I always do.  I went to Amazon.com, ordered some books, and put together a workshop for para-professionals using games to teach reading and math skills to early childhood students.

The ladies and one gentleman that I worked with were true professionals.  Each one of these educators was knowledgeable about their students, their needs, and meeting the students' educational goals.  They brought up some very important issues and posed relevant questions.  They were willing participants, who also had fun with the games and with each other.  It was a true honor working with them.  I really had a great time.  Above all, I am so glad I had said yes. 

Thank you to the participants for their dedication to their students and for a truly wonderful day.  All my best to each of them for a wonderful and active school year.  A special thank you to my dear friend for asking me to come and spend a day with her staff. 

Finally note:  The books I purchased were Jump into Literacy:  Active Learning for PreSchool ChildrenJump into Math:  Active Learning for PreSchool Children, Wiggle, Giggle, and Shake:  Over 200 Ways to Move and Learn, and Great Games for Young Children: Over 100 Games to Develop Self-Confidence, Problem-Solving Skills, and Cooperation, all by Rae Pica.  They were great resources for developing the training and I think must-haves for any school wanting to use active learning with their early childhood students.